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Comments for https://horstmann.com/unblog/2022-01-25/index.html

作者:System @system
    2022-01-30 13:19:05.160Z
    • 5 评论数
    1. K
      Heinz Kabutz @kabutz
        2022-01-30 13:19:05.276Z

        May I ask for a pointer to your beginner textbook please?

        1. KHeinz Kabutz @kabutz
            2022-01-30 13:33:29.676Z

            Also, do you think that we could maybe change "while (in.hasNextInt()) {" to instead read "while (in.hasNext()) {" ? That way we could have in be defined by:

                var in = IntStream.of(3, 1, 4, 1, 6, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5).iterator();
            1. CCay Horstmann @cayhorstmann
                2022-01-30 17:15:42.850Z

                I added a clarification that the inputs come from a Scanner. That's what's typically used in a first course. Also added a link to the books.

                1. IIrina Marudina @imarudina
                    2022-03-10 05:51:13.925Z

                    I have a 404 on "My textbooks" link.

                    1. CCay Horstmann @cayhorstmann
                        2022-03-10 12:37:51.398Z

                        Sorry about that. I fixed the link. It is https://wiley.com/horstmann