Comments for
Comments for:
- K@KajMagnus
Wow first I thought this: "enclose the string in a sequence of backticks that is longer than the longest sequence inside" was really clever, ... until I saw this the example:
"`" + ``alert("JavaScript")```
which I'm not sure if I understand correctly :- P
not really what one wants one's colleagues to spend their time thinking about.I like Scala's approach where one can define one's own
x""" .... """
string prefixes, and have them be like Raw Strings or Blending In strings or whatever :- ) I created one namedi
which is supposed to mean "indented string", and it trims all spaces up to the|
on each line. (Source here.) Here's an example, namely some inline Yaml for ElasticSearch:val IndexSettings = i""" |number_of_shards: 5 |number_of_replicas: 1 |analysis: | analyzer: | HtmlSnowball: | type: custom | tokenizer: standard | filter: [standard, lowercase, stop, snowball] | char_filter: [HtmlStrip] | char_filter : | HtmlStrip : | type : html_strip |# escaped_tags : [xxx, yyy] -- what's this? |# read_ahead : 1024 -- what's this? |"""
( & no need to wonder about tabs & spaces :- ))