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Comments for https://horstmann.com/unblog/2020-05-20/index.html

作者:System @system
    2020-05-24 03:35:51.279Z
    • 1 评论数
    1. S
        2020-05-24 03:35:51.657Z

        Have you tried TeaVM yet? http://teavm.org/

        It transpiles Java to JavaScript with all of the tooling to make it transparent and easy. You can make true web projects while staying with pure Java.

        It can make education tools ( https://cospaces.io/edu/ ), Coronavirus tools ( https://coronawait.frequal.com ), and more.

        I wrote an article about it here: https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/java-in-the-browser-with-teavm

        Take a look, I think you'll be intrigued.